Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gold in contemporary settings

Gold interiors
I absolutely loved the composition of this photo by Meher Samoud in Tunisia.

Gold bathroom interior DesignGold bathroom interior Design

Gold, as a colour , in various forms/applications is redefining contemporary design and decor which has shied after from this particular mettalic. In recent times, the midas touch has found its way into most homes where a touch of gold iridiscence accentuates a luxurious setting. Muted tones of grey serve as the perfect foil for this metal’s inherent magnificence.

Gold Bathroom Tile
Gold Bathroom Tile

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Apakah memakai jasa arsitek itu mahal? atau murah?

Bila dilihat dari sisi pekerjaannya sehari-hari, ada kesamaan. Dokter melakukan tugas konsultasi, dimana kita bisa datang ketempat praktek dan menyampaikan keperluan kita. Lalu sang dokter bisa memberikan kita pengarahan, dan obat ringan yang bisa kita beli di apotik. Dan bila penyakit kita serius, maka kita harus segera pergi ke rumah sakit dan bila perlu, kita di bedah/operasi...kira-kira seperti itu bukan?

Desainer juga melakukan hal yang hampir sama, anda berkonsultansi dengan mereka, dan sang desainer memberikan gambar awal, dan bila berlanjut maka gambar dibuat lebih detail, dan pada saatnya, proyek akan dilaksanan.

Dokter dan Desainer adalah manusia biasa yang memiliki pengetahuan/ketrampilan khusus. Bila kita sakit, dokter tidak bisa mengetahui langsung apa penyakit kita, tahap awal kita harus berbicara dengan jelas, komunikasikan apa keluhan kita, semakin kita tepat berkomunikasi, semakin jelas apa yang dapat sang dokter mengerti, dan memberikan input awal...

Dengan desainer, kita pun perlu untuk memberikan apa yang kita inginkan dengan jelas, desainer tidak bisa mengerti dengan pasti, apa yang ada dikepala kita. Mereka hanya mencoba mendengarkan dengan baik dan mengambil kesimpulan dari info tersebut. Sama dengan dokter, bila sang pasien salah/kurang baik cara berkomunikasinya, maka sang dokter pun sulit dan bisa salah mengdiagnosa. Begitu juga dengan desainer, bila keinginan anda tidak jelas, maka jangan heran, bila sang arsitek salah menebak apa keinginan anda....

Udah pasti mahal...itu tenaga ahli bro!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Terapi 6 Gelas Air

Beberapa peneliti memang sudah melakukan kajian mendalam tentang keajaiban air. Anda tentu masih ingat, penelitian Prof. Masaru Emoto dan beberapa bukupun terbit karena penelitian Beliau.
Berikut ini, saya haturkan kepada Anda terapi air dari Prof. S. Periasamy DIM & DACC – India yang memang Beliau persembahkan untuk seluruh bangsa di dunia.
Tuhan telah memberikan kita air yang banyak dan gratis, tanpa mengeluarkan uang untuk obat-obatan, tablet, suntikan dan diagnosa, biaya dokter dll. Hanya minum air minum, penyakit di bawah ini bisa disembuhkan. Anda tidak percaya sebelum melakukannya. Di bawah ini daftar penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh terapi ini:

Sakit kepala
Darah tinggi, Kurang darah
Rematik, Lumpuh
Radang/sakit persendian
Radang selaput lendir
Gangguan jantung
Mabuk, pusing, gamang
Batuk, asma, Bronchitis TBC paru-paru
Radang otak, batu ginjal, penyakit saluran kencing
Kelebihan asam urat,
Mencret, disentri, ambeien, sembelit, Hostorbics
Kencing manis, penyakit mata, pendarahan di mata, mata merah
Haid tidak teratur, leukimia
Kanker payudara, kanker peranakan
Radang tenggorokan

Bagaimana air minum itu bekerja ?
Meminum air biasa dengan metode yang benar, memurnikan tubuh manusia. Hal itu membuat usus besar bekerja lebih efektif dengan cara membentuk darah baru, dalam istilah medis dikenal sebagai Aematopaises. Bahwa mucousal fold pada usus besar dan usus kecil diaktifkan oleh metode ini, merupakan fakta yang tak terbantah, seperti teori yang menyatakan bahwa darah segar baru diproduksi oleh mucousal fold ini.
Bila usus bersih, maka gizi makanan yang di makan beberapa kali dalam sehari akan diserap dan dengan kerja mucousal fold, gizi makanan akan dirubah menjadi darah baru. Darah merupakan merupakan hal yang paling penting dalam menyembuhkan penyakit dan memelihara kesehatan, karena itu air hendaknya dikonsumsikan dengan teratur.
Bagaimana melakukan terapi air ini?
Pagi hari ketika anda baru bangun tidur (bahkan tanpa gosok gigi terlebih dahulu) minum 1,5 liter air (5 – 6 gelas). Lebih baik airnya ditakar terlebih dahulu 1,5 liter. Ketahuilah bahwa nenek moyang kami menamakan terapi ini sebagai “Usha paana chikitsa) setelah itu anda boleh mencuci muka.
Hal yang sangat penting untuk diketahui bahwa jangan minum atau makan apapun satu jam sebelum dan sesudah minum 1,5 air ini. Juga telah diteliti dengan seksama bahwa tidak boleh minum minuman beralkohol pada malam sebelumnya.
Bila perlu gunakan air rebus atau air yang sudah disaring
Apakah mungkin minum 1,5 liter air sekaligus?
Untuk permulaan, mungkin terasa sulit untuk meminum 1,5 liter air sekaligus, tapi lambat laun akan terbiasa juga. Mula-mula ketika latihan, anda boleh minum 4 gelas dulu dan sisanya 2 gelas diminum 2 menit kemudian. Awalnya anda akan buang air kecil 2 hingga 3 kali perjam, tapi setelah beberapa lama akan normal kembali. Menurut penelitian dan pengalaman, penyakit-penyakit berikut dapat disembuhkan dengan terapi ini dalam waktu seperti tertulis dibawah ini:
Sembelit 1 hari
Asam urat 2 hari
TBC paru-paru 3 bulan
Tekanan darah 4 minggu
Kencing manis 7 hari
Kanker 4 minggu
Catatan :
Disarankan agar pederita radang/sakit persendian dan rematik pelaksanaan terapi ini 3 kali sehari, yaitu pagi siang dan malam satu jam sebelum makan selama satu minggu. Setelah itu 2 kali sehari sampai penyakit sembuh.
Kami mohon dengan sangat, metode diatas dibaca dan dipraktekkan dengan seksama serta dibarengi Doa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pencipta.

Tahukah Anda bahwa air bisa jadi obat?

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Jam 07.00 - 09.00
Jam piket organ lambung sedang kuat, sebaiknya makan pagi untuk proses pembentukan energi tubuh sepanjang hari. Minum jus atau ramuansebaiknya sebelum sarapan pagi, perut masih kosong sehingga zat yangberguna segera terserap tubuh.

Jam 09.00 - 11.00
Jam piket organ limpa kuat, dalam mentransportasi cairan nutrisi untuk energi pertumbuhan. Bila pada jam-jam ini mengantuk, berarti fungsi limpa lemah. Kurangi konsumsi gula, lemak, minyak dan protein hewani.

Jam 11.00 - 13.00
Jam piket organ jantung kuat, harus istirahat, hindari panas dan olah fisik, ambisi dan emosi terutama pada penderita gangguan pembuluh darah.

Jam 13.00 - 15.00
Jam piket organ hati lemah, bila orang tidur, darah merah berkumpul dalam organ hati dan terjadi proses regenerasi sel-sel hati. Apabila fungsi hati kuat maka tubuh kuat untuk menangkal semua penyakit.

Jam 15.00 - 17.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru lemah, diperlukan istirahat, tidur untuk proses pembuangan racun dan proses pembentukan energi paru-paru

Jam 17.00 - 19.00
Jam piket organ ginjal kuat, sebaiknya digunakan untuk belajar karena terjadi proses pembentukan sumsum tulang dan otak serta kecerdasan.

Jam 19.00 - 21.00
Jam piket organ lambung lemah sebaiknya tidak mengkonsumsi makan yang sulit dicerna atau lama dicerna atau lebih baik sudah berhenti makan

Jam 21.00 - 23.00
Jam piket organ limpa lemah, terjadi proses pembuangan racun dan
proses regenerasi sel limpa. Sebaiknya istirahat sambil mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan jiwa, untuk meningkatkan imunitas.

Jam 23.00 - 01.00
Jam piket organ jantung lemah. Sebaiknya sudah beristirahat tidur,apabila masih terus bekerja atau begadang dapat melemahkan fungsi jantung.

Jam 01.00 - 03.00
Jam piket organ hati kuat. Terjadi proses pembuangan racun/limbah
hasil metabolisme tubuh. Apabila ada gangguan fungsi hati tercermin pada kotoran dan gangguan mata. Apabila ada luka dalam akan terasa nyeri.

Jam 03.00 - 05.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru kuat, terjadi proses pembuangan limbah/racun pada organ paru-paru, apabila terjadi batuk, bersin-bersin dan berkeringat menandakan adanya gangguan fungsi paru-paru. Sebaiknya digunakan untuk olah nafas untuk mendapatkan energi paru yang sehat dan kuat.

Jam 05.00 - 07.00
Jam piket organ usus besar kuat, sebaiknya biasakan BAB secara teratur

Ada sebuah artikel tentang jam kerja organ tubuh kita dan ada sedikit deskripsi tentang apa yang sebaiknya kita lakukan pada jam-jam tersebut untuk menjaga kesehatan kita


Hs= (A x B x V) (V/n) + (C x V)
Hs= harga desain
A= upah harian buruh terendah di daerah tempat bekerja
B= nilai intelektualitas subyektif (Newbie = 3, Average = 6, Profesional = 12) (atau diantarnya)
C= biaya operasional (listrik, komputer, internet, transport, print, presentasi) (dihitung perhari)
n= jumlah hari kerja (1 hari kerja = 7jam)
V= beban pekerjaan (spesial request, tingkat kesulitan, konsep, artistik, dll) (dihitung hari)

Contoh :

(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/4) + (80.000 x 4) = 800.000
Upah harian = 800.000 / 4 = 200.000

(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/2) + (80.000 x 4) = 1.280.000
Upah harian = 1.280.000 / 2 = 640.000

AVERAGE SLOW ORDER, n=10 V=4 (molor, telat, dll)
(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/10) + (80.000 x 4) = 512.000
Upah harian = 512.000 / 10 = 51.200

(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/4) + (80.000 x 4) = 1.280.000
Upah harian = 1.280.000 / 4 = 320.000

(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/2) + (80.000 x 4) = 2.240.000
Upah harian = 2.240.000 / 2 = 1.120.000

PROF SLOW ORDER, n=10 V=4 (molor, telat, dll)
(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/10) + (80.000 x 4) = 704.000
Upah harian = 704.000 / 10 = 70.400

Free Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49

Models for architectural modelling in 3D studio Max.
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Year of release: 2007
The Developer: Evermotion
The Platform: Windows All
Language: English
The Description:
Models for architectural modelling in 3D studio Max.
All models of excellent quality!
Formats of files: *.3ds, *, obj, *.max, *.jpg

Pergunakan fasilitas Search google di blog ini dengan copy & paste,
contoh Archmodels Vol.1 - armchairs,sofas - 115 models
copy & Paste alamat http://rapidshare.com/files/72991625/Archmodels_Vol.1.rar
di Search engine google

The information:
Archmodels Vol.1 - armchairs, sofas - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.2 - knickknacks - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.3 - lamps - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.4 - doors, windows - 125 models
Archmodels Vol.5 - armchairs - 43 models
Archmodels Vol.6 - a bathing accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.7 - technics - 76 models
Archmodels Vol.8 - office accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.9 - tables, cases - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.10 - kitchen - 134 models
Archmodels Vol.11 - beds - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.12 - lamps - 117 models
Archmodels Vol.13 - street - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.14 - street lamps - 120 models
Archmodels Vol.15 - душевые, bathrooms - 116 models
Archmodels Vol.16 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.17 - ex-terriers - 30 models
Archmodels Vol.18 - a kitchen accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.19 - knickknacks - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.20 - office - 104 models
Archmodels Vol.21 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.22 - subjects for a garden - 108 models
Archmodels Vol.23 - home appliances - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.24 - house plants - 63 models
Archmodels Vol.25 - knickknacks - 117 models
Archmodels Vol.26 - knickknacks - 116 models
Archmodels Vol.27 - sports stock - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.28 - lamps - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.29 - furniture - 139 models
Archmodels Vol.30 - clothes, towels - 78 models
Archmodels Vol.31 - trees, bushes - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.32 - knickknacks - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.33 - classical furniture - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.34 - sculptures - 50 models
Archmodels Vol.35 - technics, computers - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.36 - beds - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.37 - beds - 90 models
Archmodels Vol.38 - lamps - 134 models
Archmodels Vol.39 - an accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.40 - knickknacks - 100 models
Archmodels Vol.41 - flowers - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.42 - plants - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.43 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.44 - furniture for shops - 70 models
Archmodels Vol.45 - modern furniture - 100 models
Archmodels Vol.46 - an accessories for bathing - 70 models
Archmodels Vol.47 - game devices - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.48 - boats, yachts - 34 models
Archmodels Vol.49 - bags, backpacks - 70 models
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49[/b]
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Classic bathroom Faucets and Shower Panels

Classic Bathroom

  1. Classic BathroomClassic Bathroom

If you would like to give a different taste for your bathroom, you can choose WOW shower panels from TEDA, the brilliant idea and name “WOW” (Why Only White).

Bathroom Bath Faucets Bathroom Bath Faucets

Its a custom graphic shower panel, that could make your bathroom more stunning, perfect for you how bored with the white bathroom furniture forever.

Artistic Bath Faucets Vas By KohlerClassic Bathroom Bath Faucets

Let’s see the pictures here, and choose the right graphic that suitable with your personality. Available a fabulous range of floral, abstract or human figure inspired design. Place WOW in your bathroom, I’m sure everyone who enter your bathroom will say “wow its fantastic”.

Sensamare - Minimalist and Elegant Shower and Bathtub

Minimalist and Elegant Shower and Bathtubmodern bathroom furnitureMinimalist and Elegant Shower and Bathtub

Bathroom is the right place to get relaxing after working for a day, you must decorate it as best as you can to make your bathroom more enjoyable. Here’s the luxurious and elegant shower

Shower BathtubShower Bathtub

s and bathtub from Hoesh designed by Professor Gunther Horntrich called Sensamare.

I’m sure you’ll get a unique bathing experience with this product. The patented Hoesch Everclean glass reduces the number of limestone and water deposits for an almost waterproof glass. The reclining shower benches are originally of African origin and stay very durable over a period of time. Sensamare is a stunning bathroom with exciting looks.

Elegant Mosaic Bathroom Wallpaper

Elegant bathroom WallpaperElegant bathroom Wallpaper

The new elegant mosaic wallpaper launched at Cersaie 2010 by Trend. Perfect for new decoration at the New year. Available in various style category, these are :

Bathroom WallpapersBathroom Wallpaper

Academic, Euphoric, Natural and Classic. Here’s a sample pictures of each style, you can visit the official sites to see more pictures and choose the style that match with your personality.

Modern Moroccan Bathroom WallpapersBathroom Wallpapers

picture source: digsdigs

Contemporary Bathroom Design

Contemporary Bathroom DesignBathroom interior DesignsBathroom Design

Stunning contemporary washbasin design from Agape namely Gabbiano, washbasin in curved waterproof birch plywood available with light, medium or dark oak veneer and CORIAN®; with built in soap dish, toothbrush holder, stainless steel towel rail and open waste. Supplied with tap holes. Left-or right-handed version.

Bathroom DesignBathroom Design
Contemporary Bathroom Contemporary Bathroom
It look great mounted on a minimalist bathroom. The long, curved line defines these distinctive washbasins, its smooth shapes creating a sensation of harmony. Visit Agape website for more information.

Pictuires form digsdisgs

Monday, December 1, 2008

Modern and Luxury Houses and Villas

modern house design Modern House
kanttia2_086_Milo0005, originally uploaded by Zero_light.

modern,house,designLuxury House
Nice House!, originally uploaded by eva rees.

modern interior

Luxury house interiorLuxury house interior
modern interior, originally uploaded by maxschleiffer.
Modern and Luxury Houses and Villas


Luxury VillasLuxury Villas
modern-house-design-images1, originally uploaded by radeondt.

house design-Geometric design

Luxury VillasModern and Luxury Houses and Villas

Modern visits Eames house

green housegreen house

My Modern visits Eames house, originally uploaded by My Modern.

Schindler's Kings Road House

Schindler's Kings Road House,modern,house,design Modern green houseModern green house
Schindler's Kings Road House, originally uploaded by aidan_d_m.

Flat Pack House

modern architecturemodern architecture

Modern Vancouver House

Modern Vancouver House,modern,house,design Luxury HousesLuxury Houses
Modern Vancouver House, originally uploaded by pnwra.

the latest japanese wooden house2

Modern and Luxury Houses and VillasLuxury Houses
Modern and Luxury Houses and Villas
the latest japanese wooden house2, originally uploaded by biznizz505.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Winter Home Decoration ideas

Winter DecorationWinter Home DecorationWinter Home Decoration
The biggest difference between summer and winter
home interiors is the colors and comfort we want to create. Summers mean giving an airy appeal to your rooms while winters are all about getting cozy. So as the cold weather sets in go for a collection of cozy and fluffy throws to give the home furniture a snuggling feel. After all your furniture should look inviting and comfortable in the winters as well. Nobody wants to settle in a cold looking room. Try going for silk throws to give a rich look to your interiors. They look exceptionally well for those special occasions.

The winter also gives us a variety of flowers all bright and pretty. So make your flower arrangements with holiday
colors and flowers. One can have flower arrangements in pine decked up in brass containers. One can also go for clear crystal vases to give an elegant look to your flower arrangements.

Playing with colors is very easy in the winter season. Go for cushions and pillows in dark patterned prints. One can even experiment with a variety of fabrics. From silk, suede, satin to velvet there are many variety out there. And if you are fond of decorative plates to give an elegant look to your living room then go for holiday designs bringing out the essence of Christmas, New Year and other festivals.
Home Decoration ideas
Home Decoration ideasHome Decoration ideas
Another important element for any home
decor is the draperies. Since it is not easy to change the curtains go for the reversible ones that can give you the desired depth or airy feel according to the season. Make your room interiors bright or neutral according to your requirements. But what about centerpieces for your tables? well there are a whole lot of things right from crystals to dry food items as well. And then we are very sure that there are those long lost pieces that can make excellent centerpieces if you only bring them out and make them the center of attention.

Other winter
home decor accessories include rugs that can make any place look cozy and warm. The best point of winters is that no matter how much colors you use, if they balance each other then you are going to create a striking feel for your home decoration.

And if you are looking for something to make your kids room lively and peppy then how about adding some extra stuffed animals and colorful posters. It will not only make your kid giggle with joy but also give a completely new look to its interiors.

For halls and pathways, try your hand on different photo frames and pictures. You can simply select nice pics from magazines and get them framed to give an elegant look to your interiors. It would give a unique look to your
winter home interior decor.
Winter tree decoration
Winter Garden decorationWinter Garden decoration
So this
winter give a completely new look to your home interiors and enjoy the chilly winters to its fullest.

Home Remodeling Tips

Home Remodeling Tips

Remodeling your home while giving it a high-end look and style is what each one of us wants for our house. Making the best out of the money spent and giving a new image to your home is what we talk about here. Bringing out the best in your house requires careful planning and organizing. Whether you are remodeling for selling purpose or to upgrade it to a modern lifestyle these tips and ideas will resolve a lot of conflicts that rests in your mind.
Home Remodeling Tips
Keeping a close eye as what will still look good after 15 years, here are different home remodeling tips for the different rooms in your house. Guide your way through each individual room and decide on how you want it to look and then start working on it.Home Remodeling modern

The Lives of the Rich and Famous
Well we are not talking about any TV soap here. But taking a close look at their home styles is a good way to set your gaze for the coming years. According to a recent survey it was found that the changing trends in the house remodeling styles are guided by the high-end homes. So if you want to foresee what’s going to be the hotcake of the neighborhood in next 6 years then a quick trip to some of the open houses in the up class and affluent communities is a good idea.

Make it Durable
One of the very important factors for any house is the durability of the house. Invest your money in materials that can endure the test of time. Avoid cheap materials, as they will start to show gouges as years pass by. Instead go for quality substance so that you don’t have to put energy and money on it later on.

Think Bold and Different
One interesting home remodeling tip is to make your home look interesting and different. If you are thinking from the selling point also, go for something that will appeal to the next generation. One of the easiest ways of doing this is by adding some custom glass tile and bold colored countertops in kitchens and washrooms.

Home Remodeling Tips for Rooms

Every room is remodeled in a different way. So let’s take a closer look at how each of these rooms and upgrade them to the latest trends of today.

Modern Kitchen Design Pictures
Kitchens are one of the most difficult places to maintain. So while remodeling keep things simple. You can go for the classic granite counter top or have something that adds warmth to your kitchen. Though colors are hot and in right now, it may phase out in the coming years. Therefore investing highly on red stove and matching top should be avoided. Go for subtle colors that are perfect.

The Bath
Copper-Bateau-Bath.jpgHome Remodeling
Well to start with the utilitarian concept is out. Think big – think spa. Make space for your whirlpool tubs, multiple showers and even provision for steam shower. If you want to try something more upscale then go for towel warmers, heated floors etc.

Storage Rooms
Storage rooms no longer mean an attic or some small room that has no other functionality. Instead just like any other room in the house, storage rooms also have a personality of their own. If you have a spare room in your house then try remodeling it by adding some cabinets and closets. Make space to keep your food items and also things that are not required on an everyday basis. You can also remodel it by making space for your hobbies and recreation corner.

A Thought for the Elderly
One important tip to keep in mind while remodeling your home is sparing a thought for the elderly in the household. Make the home more accessible so that they can move around more comfortably and freely. While remodeling have wider hallways and doors. This will even be useful when you want to move bigger pieces of furniture as well. So whether you have parents living with you or visiting for a while, this is going to be of a great help.

Source: http://www.dreamhomedecors.com/

Decorating a Child's Room

8 Simple Strategies to Make You Both Happy!

Decorating a Kids Room When it comes to decorating a child's room, your approach should be much different from decorating an adult bedroom.

For kids, their bedroom is where they play games, read, listen to music, day-dream, or just go to be alone sometimes. So use these eight strategies to help create a space that will make you both happy:
Child's RoomDecorating a Child's Room
1. Talk to your child. Find out what activities and fantasies he or she enjoys; what their favorite color is; and what's unique about their personality that a theme could be built around.

2. Allow your child to help. Let them have a say about colors, fabrics, and how they want to display their collectibles.

3. Make the room multi-functional. Since children use their room for many activities besides sleeping, it should have several different zones, such as a play area, reading area, and entertainment area.
kids room

4. Make storage a priority. Try shelving, large decorative wicker baskets, plastic see-through containers, and closets that contain plenty of shelving and racks.

5. Keep window treatments simple. Avoid long draperies. Shades, blinds, and shorter curtains are safer choices. The fabric should be versatile, and patterns should be repeated in other items in the room, such as in pillows, quilts, lampshades, bed ruffles, etc.

6. Choose the right lighting. A child’s room should include both task lighting for homework and reading, and soothing light for quieter times. A nightlight is also important.

7. Use wallpaper or paint (if it is allowed in your lease) to add color and texture. You can apply whimsical borders along the top edges of the walls, and clouds or stars on the ceiling. Make sure walls are washable, so if you are using paint, choose a semi-gloss or gloss finish. Kids love bright colors, but you should limit any strong color to only one wall.

Child RoomsChild's Room Decoration

8. Allow your child to select the design theme. Here are just a few: firehouse fun room, starry night, angels, rainbows, unicorns, baseball, a bedroom for a princess, underwater scenery, outer space, race cars, airplanes, trains, jungle motifs, wizards and dragons, and dinosaurs.

Decorating with your child offers a great opportunity to display your playful side, while doing some memorable family bonding, so have fun with it!

by: Michael Holland Source: http://www.rentaldecorating.com

Tips for kid’s bedroom interior designing

Your child’s bedroom is a place where he spends most of his time at home, we must pay special attention to organizing and planning of the Chamber.kids bedroomkid’s bedroom interior designing

1. Always choose high-gloss paint for the children’s room, because it is can be washed.

2. This is a great concept of the wall paintings are based on a theme of your child’s choice

3. To save room space, buy multifunctional furniture for your child’s room.

4. Give due attention to the bathroom by including non-slippery tiles and decorating it with water toys.

Style is the main factor while choosing kids bedroom furniture. Knowing what style you are looking for can make shopping a lot easier.
kid’s bedroom interiorkid’s bedroom ideaskids bedroom design

Whichever style, brand or variety of kids bedroom furniture you choose, it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Just keep in mind the most important things, safety and comfort. Bedroom is a very important personal room, where your child should get the best rest and relaxation.

Discount Home Decor Ideas

Giving your home decor a unique style statement and that too in a budget is what this section on discount home decor ideas is about. Give your home a completely new look with some great discount home decoration tips for different rooms. These discount decor ideas are inexpensive and also give your rooms an attractive appearance. So read through these different home decor ideas and enter a completely new world of decoration.
Discount Home Decor Ideas formal home decorHome Decoration Ideas
Little Bits of Green in the Kitchen
Kitchen is a place where the hub of the household remains. So why limit its decor style. It should be as lively and bright as any other room in the house. To add some light and newness to your kitchen add some green plants. You can use old or unused drinking glasses to put some plants like money plant. If you have a window then you can hang some small pots to give a natural look to your kitchen.

Children’s Room Discount Decor
The focal point of kid room decor has to be bright and fun. Kids love bright colors, so let’s make it bright and peppy. Add designs in different shapes and sizes like circles, squares and triangles. You can easily get these shapes by adding some stick on foam shapes. Paint the walls in a way that it complements the room. To give a more impressive look one can paint the ceiling with stars and clouds and moon. It will really make your child laugh with joy. One discount home decor idea is to add some stickers to the curtains. This will give a fresh look to your usual and old curtains.
Discount Home Decor Ideas ecart

Bathroom Decor Luxuries

Bathrooms can be as stylish as any other room. With some simple bathroom accessories you can give a complete makeover to your bathroom. Nowadays toiletries are as trendy and fashionable like any other room accessories. The basic essentials include tissue paper and toilet paper. Also add some scented soaps from different parts of the world. Simply wrap them in an attractive way and you have yourself some attractive decoration options. You can even arrange them in a basket to give an attractive look. Complete the look by adding some matching towels to the set. Another discount decor idea for the bathroom can be adding shower curtains to add some vibrancy to your bathroom.

Attractive Living Room Decoration
Discount Home Decor Ideas curBedroom Decoration Ideas

Have a strong impression as people enter your house by these simple discount decoration tips. Add some simple twigs and branches and arrange them in a vase for the living room decor. Go for the bigger options, rather than the small ones. Also add some artificial flowers. Smaller flowers go better with bigger twigs. If you want to give a stylish look simply ignore the flowers and spray paint the twigs in unique colors like black, red and golden.
Discount Home Decor Ideas fresh leaves
Dining Room Discount Decor
A cheap and easy idea for dining room decor is to make the dining room table attractive. Add some tablemats along with a matching tablecloth to add some color to your dining room. To give a personalized look, laminate sheets 11 by 17inch and put old birthday cards, family pictures and just about anything to make an unusual display. These laminated tablemats are also very easy to clean.

Lighting can do wonders for your home decoration. So go for different types of lighting fixtures to give your room an attractive look. Use different height combinations to create the desired effect. For those special romantic evenings one can also have scented candles placed in an attractive manner to give a cozy feel. Light fixtures come in different ranges and one can always opt for the discount options that are available.
Dining Room
Discount Home Decor Ideas bqthroom livingrooDining Room Decoration Ideas
So giving your home a bright decor is not at all an expensive affair. With the right selection one can do a lot in discount home decors